Economics Department

The Department of Economics offers BS (4-Years Program) Graduate Degree program and M.A 2 Years Post Graduate Degree Program in Economics.

Institute of International Relations Department

The Department of International Relations offers BS (4-Years Program) Graduate Degree program and M.A 2 Years Post Graduate Degree Program in International Relations.

Institute of Islamic Studies Department

The department of Compulsory & Minor subjects offers Islamic Studies as compulsory and Islamic Culture and Muslim History as optional subjects for the undergraduate students

Media and Communication Studies Department

The Department of Media and Communication Studies offers BS (4-Years Program) Graduate Degree program and M.A 2 Years Post Graduate Degree Program in Media Studies.

Pakistan Studies Department

The Department of Pakistan Studies offers M.A 2 Years Post Graduate Degree Program in Pakistan Studies.

Physical Education Department

The department is equipped with required infrastructure of learning in the field of physical education including sports complex having indoor hall for badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball and ground for cricket and athletics. In addition, a fitness centre is also available for fitness exercises for students, employees and officers in both morning and evening timings.

Political Science Department

The Department of Political Science offers BA (4-Years Program) Graduate Degree program and M.A 2 Years Post Graduate Degree Program in Political Science.

Sociology and Gender Studies Department

The Department offers 2 year M.S degree in Gender Studies, the first year covers five core courses containing 100 marks each, where as the second year constitute course, field and research work

Prof. Dr. Naveed Ahmed Shaikh
Dean Social Science