The Alumni Association commits itself to:
- To organize and update the database of members Alumni Association (Graduates) Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur.
- Fostering a spirit of brotherhood and fraternity among the alumni of the university,
- Providing a forum for the alumni for sharing of ideas on academic, cultural and social issues of the day,
- Arranging social and cultural events and alumni get-togethers,
- Looking after the general interests of the alumni,
- To acquire Funds/ Donations/ Books / Computers and students Laboratory / studio equipment.
- Raising funds for welfare purposes.
- To acquire scholarships/ awards for extraordinary students of Shah Abdul Latif Universit, Khairpur each year.
- To organize lecture for career counseling resume, preparation and human recourse assistance to fresh graduates.
- To publish and circulate job opportunities advertised national and international media / electronic media.
- To provide information and assistance to students for higher studies aboard.
- To communicate with donor agencies for donations to initiate social and community services as well as beautification of the campus.