
The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) of Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur is determined to improve the quality of education in the University through implementing standards of Quality Assurance Agency, Higher Education Commission Pakistan. The outcome of this exercise is reflected in QAA, HEC ranking of QECs in which SALU retained “W category”. This achievement is the result of commitment of faculty and administration in the light of the Vision & Mission of the university.

The activities of QEC are given below:

Online feedback on different surveys (Teachers, Students, Course Evaluation, Research Student Progress Review form including Faculty resume), not only reduced the time spent for data collection, analysis, and report generation but also minimized finance and labor.

•The QEC assists to conduct Graduating Students Surveys, Alumni surveys and Employers survey to improve the quality of program offered under the guidance of all stakeholders. The reports of these surveys are communicated to departments and institutes concerned for the improvement of quality education.

•Regular capacity building of the teachers to improve teaching methodologies is focused through organizing different workshops and participating in various conferences, seminars and other academic activities on different forums.

•The QEC has initiated self-assessment process at very beginning in different programs offered by the departments and communicated all relevant documents to HEC as per assessment process.