NAVTTC Course’s Registration is Opened
The Most Awaited NAVTTC Course’s are once again here at Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur
Please Circulate and Encourage students from your respective departments/Institutes to get themselves registered in Market Oriented Courses.
Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur after successfully completing 2nd batch we are now accepting applicationsfor the 3rd Batch of National Vocational & Technical Training Commission(NAVTTC) Courses
PrimeMinister’s Youth Skill Development Program (PMYSDP)
PrimeMinister’s Youth Skill Development Program (PMYSDP) was initiated to strengthenthe quality of technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Thepurpose of the program is to equip young people with market-driven conventionaland high-tech skills required for career progression with an aim to bringcapacity of youth at par with international standards.
Admissionsare open for the following High Tech and High End 3Months Courses.
1. Artificial Intelligence (MachineLearning,Deep Learning)
2. Network Administrator (Cisco, Huawei,IBM)
3. Android Java
4. Digital Marketing & Search EngineOptimization
5. E-commerce
6. Digital Forensic & Cybersecurity
Forthis purpose, students are encouraged to get themselves registered for theabove mentioned courses
ApplicationDeadline: 22nd January 2025.
Toapply, Fill this online form:
Weencourage all eligible students to apply.
Alreadytrained students from NAVTTC are not eligible. Only fresh students are eligiblefor the training those who have bot attended the NAVTTC Training earlier.
ForMore details Visit ORIC at Extension of Service near the Department ofArcheology Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur. or contact with Deep Rajput03135000786 Email: