In the workshop 54 nominated faculty members from all various affiliated colleges including with sub campuses Ghotki and ShahdadKot campus partook to attend the session. The formal proceedings of the workshop were initiated with recitation of sacred verses of Holy Quran by Mr. Samiullah Memon Data Analyst QEC, SALU.
After the initial formalities, the host Mr. Halar Ali Malik, Assistant Director QEC SALU requested respected Madam Prof. Dr. Iram Rani, Director QEC for welcoming the guests with a welcome note and presenting the cultural gift to the resource person Mr. Hakim Ali Junejo, Deputy Director QEC GCU, Hyderabad.
Later, the resource person was invited on the stage for sharing valuable knowledge and procedures regarding maintenance of the Self-Assessment Report SAR. On this occasion Vice chancellor SALU, Khairpur along with his honorable guests joined and presented the words of admiration in the honor to the Director QEC SALU respected Madam Prof. Dr. Iram Rani for arranging as well as accomplishing such informative workshop along with energetic, well-experienced, and hardworking team members of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) SALU, Khairpur.
In the end of the session, certificates were distributed among the participants and organizers by the Vice Chancellor SALU, Khairpur.
2. One Day Workshop on Monitoring Evaluation and Grading MEG Form-III. on 23.01.2024

One day Workshop on Monitoring Evaluation and Grading MEG Form-III was organized by Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur on 23.01.2024 at the Student Society Centre SALU under the kind supervision of Director QEC respected Madam Prof. Dr. Iram Rani. Wherein nominated faculty members from all the various departments/institutes participated. Mr. Aamir Waseem Khan, Deputy Director QEC was the resource person of that workshop. The formal proceedings started with recitation of sacred verses of Holy Quran by Mr. Samiullah Memon, Data Analyst QEC. For further proceedings of the workshop, Mr. Halar Ali Malik, Assistant Director QEC, sent his sincere invitation to the Director QEC respected Madam Prof. Dr. Iram Rani for a welcome note and guideline regarding the workshop. Director QEC respected Madam Prof. Dr. Iram Rani warmly welcomed to all the participated faculty members from all the various departments/institutes of Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur and introduced them with core importance of the MEG Form-III. After that, with due respect the resource person Mr. Aamir Waseem Khan Deputy Director QEC was invited on the stage by Mr. Halar Ali to share his valuable knowledge in sight of thought-provoking talk. The resource person shed some light on the Act in which Charter Inspection & Evaluation Committee (CIEC) was established and recognized by the Sindh Higher Education Commission (SHEC) after briefing the historical perspective regarding the CIEC, Mr. Aamir Waseem Khan further elaborated the key features of the MEG form-III including with its eleven standards. Later the comprehensive talk, the questions and answers session proceeded. In the end of the workshop all the participants were invited to have lunch in the premises of Student Society Center.

3. One Day Workshop on Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Concept & Procedure on 24.04.2024
One-Day workshop on Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Concept & Procedure was organized by Quality Enhancement Cell Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur under the highly enthusiastic supervision of Respected Madam Prof. Dr. Iram Rani Director QEC, SALU and Dr. Saeed Ahmed Khan, Director QEC, Sukkur IBA University was respectfully invited as the resource person of the session wherein the Program Team (PT) members of BS Program from all the departments of SALU accompanied to attend the workshop. The arrangement of the program was placed in the premises of Service Extension, video conference hall ORIC. The session was initiated with recitation of Holy verses of Holy Quran. In continuation with this, the formal commencement of the initiative started with guideline policy and procedure of the workshop and welcome note by respected Madam Prof. Dr. Irum Rani then the resource person Dr. Saeed Ahmed Khan Director QEC IBA Sukkur advanced the program with his thought-provocative talk regarding the concept & procedure of Self-Assessment Report. Finally, the session concluded with a certificate distribution ceremony.
4. One-day awareness session on "Program Specification, Course Coding & QEC Data Portal" 20.05.2024

A one-day awareness session on "Program Specification, Course Coding & QEC Data Portal" was organized by the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at SALU, Khairpur, on 20.05.2024, in the premises of the Service Extension ORIC Video Conference Hall, under the prestigious supervision of the respected Madam Prof. Dr. Iram Rani, Director QEC, SALU. Dr. Asim Ali Abro, Director QEC, The Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University of Technology & Skill Development, Khairpur Mir’s, was invited as a resource person for the program, in which faculty members from all the institutes and departments of Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, including its sub-campuses from Ghotki and ShahdadKot, actively participated.
The session initially started with holy verses from the Holy Quran, recited by Mr. Sameeullah Memon, Data Analyst, QEC, SALU. Then, the formal proceedings of the session moved further with a welcome note by the respected Director QEC, Madam Prof. Dr. Iram Rani, who highlighted the key features of Program Specification, Course Coding, and shared the detailed concept of the QEC Data Portal.
After a brief introduction, the stage was handed over to the resource person of the session, Dr. Asim Ali Abro, Director QEC, The Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University of Technology & Skill Development, Khairpur Mir’s. Dr. Asim continued the program with his invaluable talk and experience regarding Program Specification and Course Coding. During his talk, he further enhanced the session with his multiple ideas and knowledge.

Further clarification was enthusiastically elaborated by Madam Prof. Dr. Iram Rani, relating to the Graduate and Revised Undergraduate Policy of the Higher Education Commission (HEC).
The session then took a more interactive path, concluding with a brief introduction to the QEC Data Portal by Mr. Sumair Ahmed, Data Analyst, QEC. Mr. Sumair Ahmed, who was the core editor and programmer of the QEC Data Portal, explained how the portal was designed to ease the institutional environment by facilitating data sharing and retrieval. The portal is the initial step to automate the data sharing and fetching mechanism, developed by Mr. Sumair Ahmed, assisted by the QEC team members Mr. Alijan, Mr. Halar, and Mr. Sameeullah, under the kind supervision of the respected Director QEC, Madam Prof. Dr. Iram Rani. Finally, the session ended with a certificate distribution ceremony and a group photograph.