Registration & Accommodation

Registration fees:


International Author US $ 200
International Participant US $ 100
Local Author 2,000 PKR
Local Participant 1,000 PKR

Registration fees include admission to Oral presentation, Coffee/Tea/Soft Drinks, Refreshments, Working lunch during conference, Dinner, a copy of the Conference Programs, conference abstract, Conference proceedings and other material.

Registration fees can be deposited Online in HBL SALU Branch or it can be sent through Bank Draft at ICCET 2012 Conference Secretariat, Dept of Computer Science, SALU Khairpur Mirs.


Account Name:          ICCET

Account Number:       1208 7900 1268 01



Accommodation: Accommodation of all keynote speakers & resource persons will be arranged by university in local hotels/hostels/guest house. All the authors/participants coming from outside Khairpur are required to send request in case they need accommodation through organizers. Please send us this accommodation form filled accordingly via email to  


Due to limited accommodation, the applications will be scrutinized on first come basis.


Note: In case, the application is approved for accommodation, the applicant will be informed through email. After confirmation of reservation, the applicant has to deposit Accommodation charges as Rs. 1,000 per night per participant in HBL SALU Branch through Online or send fees through Bank Draft at ICCET 2012 Conference Secretariat, Dept of Computer Science, SALU Khairpur Mirs.


Account Name:          ICCET

Account Number:      1208 7900 1268 01