Instructions to Authors of Contributed Papers

Instructions to Authors of Contributed Papers

 All Authors of invited and contributed papers are requested to follow the instructions:

  1. Manuscripts should be type-written, single-spaced size 5" x 7.5" (width x height) with “Time New Roman” Font size 10. The paper should be divided into sections, numbered by Arabic numerals and with suitable short verbal titles. Pages should be lightly numbered at the bottom with a blue pencil. Running titles should be given.
  2. Paragraphs should be indented five spaces.
  3. The name and full postal address of each author should be given immediately below the title of the paper along with e-mail.
  4. Equations should be centered, with identifying numbers in parentheses.
  5. Tables should be inserted in the text as close to the point of reference as possible.
  6. Graphs and other numbered figures should be drawn in black Indian ink.
  7. References should be indicated in the text by author’s name(s) and the year of publication in parentheses. All references should also be given alphabetically at the end of the paper.

 Please note that contributed papers not more than six pages.