• To encourage the students, writers and poets to do research on Tanveer Abbasi’s poetry and other literary contributions.
  • To publish the research works that is based on the life, art and thought of Tanveer Abbasi.
  • To publish the unpublished scripts of Tanveer Abbasi and republish those which have already been published.
  • To conduct seminars, conferences, lectures and other programmes in relation to Dr. Tanveer Abbasi.
  • To establish a mini-museum where the books, articles of personal use, letters, documents, pictures and cassettes of Dr. Tanveer Abbasi are to be preserved.
  • To make arrangements of research work based on Dr. Tanveer Abbasi and his contemporary literature and contemporary literary personae.
  • To make arrangements to convert and translate the works of Dr. Tanveer Abbasi in other languages of notable status in today’s world.
  • To establish Dr. Tanveer Abbasi Reference Library.